
3 Things to do in Malta 

 December 4, 2020

By  Wilson

Malta is a small island (technically an archipelago) between the Italian coast and Libya/Tunisia. And yes, Malta is a member of the EU.

I’ll be honest. If I were not friends with Andrew Chetcuti, I would not have visited Malta. I also stopped by Dubai, and his parents were also there at the time and took me around, and I have already written about it this blog post. So big shoutout to the whole family for introducing me to a wonderful country in Malta that I never thought I would have visited.

Candy Bar Fun Fact: Andrew is an Olympic Swimmer and represented Malta at the London 2012 and Rio 2016 Olympic Games. Pretty good, I guess.

Ok *straightens suit* – I have to admit, I was slightly underprepared for the climate. It’s hot, it’s sunny, and it makes you regret that last visit to the tanning salon. But after an afternoon of jumping in the water, I adjusted quickly.

How I Got There

As usual whenever I travel, I either take a United flight or search for the cheapest flight on kayak.com. I wrote an article about how I stick to flying on United as much as possible to cash out big with my miles.

For this trip, I took an Air Malta flight from Athens to Malta. I found that flight on kayak.com.

Here are my top 3 favorite things to do in Malta:

1. Valetta

Valetta is the capital city of Malta and hosts many of the country’s famous museums. We entered the capital city by walking through the Valetta City Gate, a gorgeous-looking bridge that connects the rest of Malta to its capital.

Valetta City Gate

Valetta City Gate

We spent a whole day in this area. And ate stuffed boneless rabbit for lunch. Don’t @ me.

2. Zonqor Bay

AKA “Bajda u Sewda”. This area is located in the town of Marsascala.

Enjoy the surrounding bodies of water is an absolute must in Malta, so that’s what we did on this day.



Bajda u Sewda

Bajda u Sewda

I thoroughly enjoyed Hot-Dogs-or-Legs-ing during an afternoon where all we did was jump into the crystal clear water and get sun-kissed.

3. Mdina

This was a cute little town about 15 minutes from Valetta. Mdina was the capital of Malta up until the medieval times.

We went to St. Paul’s Cathedral, explored the two palaces (Palazzo Santa Sofia and Vilhena Palace), and observed the gorgeous architecture of the buildings everywhere.

Lunch at Fortanella (Google Maps location) with a view was nice.

Palazzo Santa Sofia

Palazzo Santa Sofia

Vilhena Palace

Vilhena Palace

Honorable Mentions

For the purposes of keeping things PG13 on my website, let’s just say nightlife in Paceville was a blast. Sorry for partying, bro.

Paceville is the nightlife district near the capital city.

One great thing about Malta that I observed is that cost isn’t ridiculous like it is in some other European countries, so don’t worry about having to spend $20USD on a McDonad’s meal.

It wasn’t necessary to “pregame” at all and enjoyed the evening without having to worry about loosening our pockets in Paceville.

Where I Stayed

I stayed at Andrew’s crib. Sorry, haha.

But I did write a separate article on How I Choose Where I Stay when I Travel.

If I Had More Time, I Would Have…

Gozo. I would have definitely loved to island hop around Malta and check out Gozo.

I would have also liked to island hop to Cominotto Blue Lagoon. Maybe one day I’ll return and swim over there.

Popeye Village. For the gram. Not for the spinach.

Closing Remarks

Malta is what I like to call a hidden treasure in the Mediterranean Sea. Because I think some people tend to forget about Malta when we talk about the Eurozone.

I enjoyed the laid-back culture and the beautiful weather of Malta. I hope to return one day.

Final Grade: A-


ABOUT THE AUTHOR - Hi, my name is Wilson, founder of WFH Nomad. I was born and raised in the US, and I boast engineering and business degrees from top programs in the US. I work a normal, WFH job for a great company in America. I am extremely passionate about traveling and my job in the Tech industry, and the best part of the WFH Nomad concept is that I can do both at the same time.

I have traveled to over 47 different countries in my lifetime and I look forward to continue this lifestyle for the foreseeable future. Thanks for visiting the website!

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